Post by Admin on Apr 29, 2024 10:09:26 GMT -5
On This Episode of Town and Country Max and Antoine exchange heated words. Emma gives Jacques an answer to his proposal. Will takes his anger out on Gus. Starting next week, look out for daily episodes Monday–Friday, May 6–10.
Post by Dallas on Apr 29, 2024 17:55:18 GMT -5
Oh boy, Antoine did not hold back on Max, did he! I swear to God had Max been able to stand, he would have decked him in the face. I actually feel bad for Max because it's not like he doesn't want to be with Shauna - he physically is unable too, so Antoine really hit below the belt, pun intended. Shauna has ever right to be upset with Antoine as well; I am curious to see how upset Max is with his wife for sharing so many details with Antoine because I suspect this will drive a bigger wedge between them.
Speaking of, Will really snapped at Gus, when he was just trying to help. I don't blame Mae for being upset with him for how he treated Gus because he is just hurt by what Emma did to him, and continues to do to him. Everytime he sees Emma, the hurt of the affair comes back to him. And I'm not shocked that Emma has, finally, decided to marry Jacques - I knew this was coming because that's where the storyline is going.
Curious to see where this Murray/SJ/Martha plot is going as well ...
Good episode!